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When you think about angels what do you think of? Clouds, white robes and a harp; perhaps Clarence from It's A Wonderful Life? Or one of the other popular more human depictions? On the other hand, what comes to mind when you hear the word demon or devil? A little figure in red longjohns with a pointed tail and pitchfork sitting on your shoulder? Like angels, demons figure prominently in our popular culture. But, what does the Bible say about Angels and Demons? Join Pastor Dave for a two part adult education opportunity on Oct. 13th and October 20th, following worship, as we look at these figures from a Biblical and Lutheran perspective.



   How do you plan to leave a legacy?

    The Hope Lutheran Church Endowment Fund was established in 1984 as a permanent fund in which to receive gifts and bequests to the Church. Earnings from the Fund may be used for purposes tied to the mission of Hope Lutheran Church not related to normal operating or capital expenses. Over the past three years, the Endowment Committee has reviewed applications and awarded funds to the Food Box Ministry, to support visiting speakers and a seminary student, to Faith in Action for Cass County’s transportation and home repair programs, to a family in need, to support Youth Ministry projects, and to the Phebe Project. Organizations, individuals and church programs may apply and funds may be awarded at any time during the year. The Endowment Grant application is available in the Church Office. 

    As a Christian you are the caretaker of unique gifts – your time, your talent, your loved ones, and the financial resources given to you by God. One way to steward these gifts wisely is through contributions to the Endowment Fund, which will strengthen our mission and ministry today and in the years to come. There are several options for contributing.

Give Now: To provide immediate support for Hope Lutheran Church’s ministry and mission through the Endowment, you can make a cash gift at any time. You can make a one-time gift, one that renews each year, or give as a memorial or for a special event like a birthday or anniversary, or as part of year-end tax planning. Send a check to the Hope Lutheran Church with “Endowment” indicated on the memo line.

Give Later: Planned giving is another way to invest in the Endowment Fund. With planned giving, your legacy gift is received upon your death. Planned giving can be done through wills and bequests, life insurance and annuities, stocks, bonds, mutual Funds and real estate. Contact an Endowment Committee Member for information.

     Your legacy is welcomed regardless of its amount. Contributions of all sizes continue working for Hope’s mission forever. Gifts or bequests to the Endowment Fund should not be considered in lieu of a member’s annual contributions for the current financial needs of the congregation.

     Endowment Gift envelopes are located in the brochure racks at either end of the sanctuary doors. In each envelope is a postcard you can use to tell someone you have made a gift to Endowment in their honor for a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. Along with your holiday giving, consider a gift to the Endowment Fund today. 

NEED A NAME TAG? Everyone is encouraged to wear your name tag during worship… it helps us all become acquainted with those we don’t know. If you don’t have a name tag, contact the church office

Prayer Shawls Available

Is there someone in your life who you would literally like to wrap up in prayer? Giving the gift of a prayer shawl is a wonderful way to do that. Prayer shawls are available at no cost. They have been knit or crocheted with prayer by members of the Hope community. You can request a prayer shawl in the church office.


We welcome flowers from your own garden, or you can order them through the church office. Sign up for the date of your choice on the bulletin board across from the church office.