women of hope

Women of Hope News


As the Women of Hope meet monthly, both for our business meeting and Circle Bible studies, we are requesting help with some of our ministry outreach projects and in our women’s organization here at Hope:

1. New Born Kits: In June, we will be assembling these kits at our women’s Synodical Convention. Diaper Days have been very successful in producing the pinless, cloth diapers. To complete these kits we have been collecting bath towels, washcloths, Ivory soap, t-shirts or onesies, stocking caps and receiving blankets. We are especially in need of bath towels - these should be dark colored, lightweight, approximately 50”x26”. Anything larger or heavy is not recommended as items are most likely washed in a stream or river and dried out in the sun. Also needed are size 0-3 months or newborn t-shirts or onesies. There is a collection box in the narthex for any of these items with the attachment giving specific information on the items needed.

2. We need white, all-cotton only, bed sheets to use on our “Rippers, Strippers, & Rollers” project.

3. Our upcoming Living Waters Spring Gathering in April and our Women’s Synodical Convention in June will have silent auction and buy-it-now tables. If you have something you would like to donate for these tables contact Shirley Dowson or Ardyce Pederson.

4. At the present time, our main fund raiser is our annual Christmas in July event. We are looking for other fund raiser ideas - perhaps you did something in a former church or community that we could consider trying here. Let Ardyce or Shirley know.

5. Oops!!! I forgot about our wonderful greeting card ministry. Beautiful cards made by women in our congregation - only $2.00 a card! Check them out in the holders outside the main office.


Funeral Help: This time of the year we find it difficult to always get help with funeral reception, as many of our church members  are wintering in warmer climets. We have a terrific group of ladies that we call and rely on time after time. If you would be willing to help in the kitchen and have not been contacted about serving, let Shirley Dowson know.


A reminder that the 2025 Women’s brochures are available in the kiosks in the Narthex. Thank you, Tanis, for producing these informative brochures on the business and activities of the Women of Hope.


Quilters & pray shawl knitters are always needed. Check with Ardyce Pederson if you can help with these ministries.



Join the discussion on this month’s Circle Bible Study!

Miriam—Monday, March 10

Ruth—Wednesday, March 12

Lydia—Thursday, March 13

Anyone is welcome! Pick the date that works best and join us at 9:30 a.m.


We are still collecting items for  Newborn Kits for Global Health Ministries:

¨ regular-size bath towels, lightweight,

       approx. 50” x 26” (dark color preferred)

¨ washcloths (not microfiber)

¨ bath-size bars white Ivory soap in original packaging

¨ newborn cotton t-shirts or “onesie” Size 0-3

¨ newborn stocking cap small size

¨ receiving blankets, between 30” x 30” or 48” x 48” (soft cotton or flannel) These donations will be taken to our summer Convention. There is a box in the narthex.


HOPE CARDMAKERS MEET on Tuesdays around 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall to make cards for all occasions as a fundraiser for the Women of Hope.  Anyone is welcome to join in any Tuesday you are able! All instructions and materials provided. Cards for all occasions are available for $2 each near the church office. 


HOPE QUILTERS meet on Thursday mornings.  If you can cut, tie or sew, we have a job for you!


¨ A reminder there is a penny jar in the library and the money collected is shared at Spring Gathering. This summer our contributions support Grace House in Grand Rapids which is a nonprofit organization that provides safe, temporary shelter for people experiencing homelessness.


  ALTAR GUILD prepares communion and the altar area for worship.  If you’d be interested in helping, leave a message in the church office.


2025 Co-Chairs: Ardyce Pederson & Shirley Dowson

Secretary: Deb Fischer

Treasurer: Meri Mengis

Circle Chair Board Members:  Pat Paulsen,  Shirley Dowson, Deb Fischer