Confirmation students can get extra Sermon Notes by helping with worship! Acolyte, usher, read scripture, help with communion, sing/play music, Help with AV!
March 2: Ellayna
March 9: Dominick
March 16: Volunteer Needed
March 23: Trevor L.
March 30: Emily
March 5th- Ash Wednesday Worship 6:15-7:15pm
No class following Ash Wednesday worship.
March 12th 6:45-8pm
March 19th 6:45-8pm
March 26th 6:45-8pm
6th-9th Grade Youth
Meets first Sunday of the month from 6-8pm.
NO YOUTH GROUP IN MARCH! See you in April!
High School Bible Study - Tuesdays before school (7:15 a.m.) at Walker Bay Coffee!
High School Youth Group
first Wednesday of each month 7:45-8:45 pm
Knoxville Mission Trip 2025 Pre-Trip Meetings:
March 23rd in Brainerd- leave Hope at 4:40pm & return around 8:30pm
April 13th in Walker 6-7:30pm