Every New Morning

Can you believe July is already here? Town is bustling and the halls of Hope Lutheran Church continue to buzz with the activity of preschool VBS, service groups like quilting and memorial gardeners, and more. The month of July promises more of the same as the Women of Hope host Christmas in July and our 20+ contingent of youth and adults head to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering. Hope’s leadership continues to use our strategic plan to guide us when imagining new ministry, breathing new life into existing programs, and considering what God is preparing for us next. Read below for some news and updates amidst our life together.


Adult Education Opportunities

Funeral Pre-Planning: Sunday, July 28

I’ve heard many folks talk about making sure their affairs are in order, to ease the burden of grieving families. More and more are including at least a few notes, if not full plans, for their own funeral service. Scripture selections, music, obituaries, eulogies, and more about the who, what, and where of services are all good things to communicate with family and loved ones. Join Pastor Matt after worship for a practical conversation about these considerations.


Galatians: Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing: Sundays, August 11 & August 25.

The apostle Paul wrote letters to specific communities of faith, for specific reasons. His letter to the church in Galatia was no different, written against agitators who had been proclaiming a “different gospel” (see Gal 1:6), and apparently, with convincing effect. This letter deals with contemporary theological issues too, including our desire to play a part in our own salvation, what it means to be heirs of God, and what freedom in Christ might look like. In this 2-part study, we will examine scripture to identify the apparent conflict present in the Galatian congregations and Paul’s argument against it.


Communion Service Training

Have you wanted to serve communion but never had the opportunity to volunteer or were unsure how to do it? Perhaps you’ve served communion before but would like a refresher on how we offer the body and blood of Jesus, in, with, and under the bread and wine. If this is you, join Pastor Matt in the Sanctuary following worship on Sunday, July 7th for a 30-40 minute refresher on the various ways we offer the Lord’s Supper here at Hope. Please note we are working to make serving in this way easier for all ages and

    abilities, so that servers do not need to step up the

      stairs of the chancel.

Financial Stewardship Update

Midsummer typically invites the first questions as to how Hope’s financial stewardship is going. I’m happy to report that as of the end of May, your generous support of our collective mission and ministry has been strong, as regular Sunday offerings are up by $15,571.00 from the same time last year. Leadership have been responsible stewards of your offerings, resulting in a balance of $8,037. (A $21,592 improvement over last year)


Hope’s leadership is looking at reviving the “Hope Relay” for our annual stewardship pledge drive starting this September. While offerings have always remained strong, the Hope Relay has been one of the best approaches when it comes to the number of members and friends participating. If you have any interest in assisting with this program, please visit with me.



Pastor Matt